
Spazio NU


30 Ago 2019 - 01 Set 2019


10:00 - 17:30



Zen Acrobatic, con Tom Weksler


(Detailed English version below):

L’approccio di Tom all’acrobatica si sviluppa a partire dalla necessità di ricerca di libertà nel movimento. L’obiettivo principale è quello di trovare una qualità di movimento che supporti sia azioni semplici come camminare o correre, che elementi di acrobatica, senza differenze a livello di sforzo o usura muscolare. Perciò Tom ricerca alti livelli di consapevolezza e precisione che consentono al corpo di reagire rapidamente ai cambiamenti posturali mantenendo una fluidità di movimento ed evitando tensioni superflue.

ogni giornata di workshop si articolerà in tre parti:
un riscaldamento, ispirato al Chaya yoga e ad altre arti marziali, focalizzato sull’acquisizione di una consapevolezza sottile del corpo e di tutte le sue parti in preparazione al movimento.
Una parte di floorwork, finalizzata all’acquisizione di una maggiore libertà di movimento e di gestione del rischio.
La terza parte di “pratica Archery”, una pratica di movimento a metà fra lotta e libera espressione gestuale, che mira, attraverso giochi a coppie o di gruppo, allo sviluppo di un’elevata consapevolezza e reattività di mente e corpo.

Tom Weksler ha praticato arti marziali e discipline acrobatiche fin dalla giovane età. Si è diplomato nel 2009 al “The Workshop For Dancers and Choreographers in Haifa”. Dal 2010, Tom è danzatore della “Inbal Pinto and Avshallom Pollak Dance Company” in diverse produzioni della compagnia, rappresentate in teatri e festival in vari paesi del mondo. Attualmente si dedica alla performance “Collective Loss Of Memory” coreografata da
“Rootlessroot” (Jozef Fruček and Lind Kapetnea) e prodotta da
“Dot504”. Nel 2014 Tom crea il duo “SARU” .
Tom ha insegnato in scuole di danza e di circo, Dojos e compagnie professionali a Tel Aviv, Amsterdam, Atene, Londra, Copenhagen, Berlino, Bratislava, Milano, Antwerp, Boston, San Francisco, Guadelajara, Kyoto, Tokyo.

Roser Tutusaus, assistente al workshop: diplomata alla Artez Dansacademie, Arnhem (Holland) e laureata in giornalismo alla Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Roser ha lavorato per differenti coreografi in Olanda come Anouk Van Dijk, Giulio D’anna, Anouke De Groot ed Erik Kaiel. Ha collaborato anche con numerose compagnie in Spagna come ‘Transit Dansa’, ‘Enclave Arts Del Moviment’ (Roberto Oliván), ‘Ana Eulate’, ‘Lamajara Collective’ e ‘Pere Faura’ nella trilogia “Sweet Suite”. Attualmente lavora con la compagnia “Guy Nader and Maria Campos” in “Time Takes The Time Time Takes” ed in “Set Of Sets”. Roser è creatrice di “Menar” duetto da strada con Joan Català, e di due solos: “Simun” and “Tecnologias Del YoIl dialogo fra Tom e Roser ha avuto inizio nel 2017, sia con la creazione del duetto ‘After The Rain’ che con lo sviluppo di una pratica condivisa di danza

Tom’s approach for acrobatics training has developed from the urge to look for freedom in movement.
The main goal is to find a movement quality that supports simple actions like walking and running, as well as acrobatic feats without a difference in effort or muscular usage.
In order to do this, Tom searches for high levels of awareness and
precision so the body can react quickly to the changes in skeletal stress, and to maintain flow without unnecessary tension.

Each day of workshop will consist of 3 parts:
* Part 1 – Warm-up
Tom’s concept of warm-up is based on the mover’s need to tune into a clear and subtle quality before their practice and execution. The routine Tom follows and teaches is inspired by concepts of Chaya (Shadow) Yoga and particularly the “Balakarma” series (stepping into strength), and other forms of soft martial arts. The warm-up routine emphasizes the opening of the darkest parts of our bodies – our legs, which are also the most distant from our eyes. Demanding postures alongside gentle flow with circular motions and spirals will be introduced in order to provide better awareness of the lower parts. The second principle Tom wishes to unfold is preparations (or introduction) to low movement while maintaining the gentle functions of the wrists and neck as tools for balance, sensing the space and organically digesting physical information; internal and external
* Part 2 – Technique/ Floorwork
Tom’s technique of floor work serves as a “risk management” mechanism which ultimately, leads to freedom in a much larger scale than usually experienced by performers of a single discipline. Tom introduces dynamics of falling, rolling, collapsing, flipping and melting down in order to reduce and eventually eliminate the type of actions we usually refer to as “failure” in dance, athletics and martial arts. The practice is composed both of simple, almost “daily” actions, alongside “complicated” acrobatic risks without distinguishing between them or judging what’s important and unimportant. This approach allows a blend of influences from the Animal Kingdom, Capoeira, Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, Parkour, Brazillian Jiujitsu and several dance techniques to fall effortlessly into an empty category of functional motions.

* Part 3 – Archery
The “Archery” practice is Tom’s sincere attempt to create a practice of movement which lies
in the space between fight and gestures-free expression. The practice can be executed with
two movers and up, and involves the development of both circular and sharp reactions which leads to high levels of awareness and a fluent – “tactical” mind. The movers will go through different forms of “games” which can wear strict rules and objectives or just a physical play of examining and interacting – a play we are all familiar with but tend to lose
during our mature life in modern society.
Upon practicing Archery one can feel either like he or she is involved in a very skillful
combat or in a passionate dance full of risks and traps. It is important to note that the name
“Archery” ultimately holds nothing behind it as it constantly changes and flows into the
shape the practitioners make up according to their needs and passions.

Tom Weksler has been practicing Martial Arts and different forms of acrobatic
disciplines from a young age. Tom graduated in 2009 from “The Workshop
For Dancers and Choreographers in Haifa”. Since 2010, Tom has been
dancing with “Inbal Pinto and Avshallom Pollak Dance Company” and
performed with the comapny’s productions in many theatres and festivals
around the world. Tom is currently performing around the world the
performance “Collective Loss Of Memory” – choreographed by
“Rootlessroot” (Jozef Fruček and Lind Kapetnea) and produced by
“Dot504”. Since 2017 Tom has been dancing with Guy Nader and Maria Campose Dance Company.
In 2012 tom has created ‘LOBOS’ in collaboration with Yogi Dekel and Breno Caetano.
In 2014 Tom Created the Duets “SARU’ and “Heder” in collaboration with Tokyo Based Dancer and Choreographer Mayumu Minakawa. Both Duets has performed internationally in various theaters and festivals. In 2017 Tom has premiered the Duet “Pilim” in Collaboration with Circus Artist Yogi Dekel. Since 2017 tom has also established an artistic collaboration with Catalonian Dancer and Choreographer Roser Tutusaus. The collaboration is currently in process of completing the theatre piece ‘After The Rain’ (premiered in Bari, Puglia in 2018) and the street piece “RISE” .
Roser Tutusaus has graduated in B.A of dance from Artez Dansacademie, Arnhem (Holland) as well as journalism from, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. since then, Roser worked for different choreographers in Holland like Anouk Van Dijk, Giulio D’anna, Anouke De Groot and Erik Kaiel. She has also collaborated with several companies in Spain such as ‘Transit Dansa’, ‘Enclave Arts Del Moviment’ (by Roberto Oliván), ‘Ana Eulate’, ‘Lamajara Collective’ and ‘Pere Faura’ in the trilogy “Sweet Suite”. Currently she is working and performing internationally with the Company “Guy Nader and Maria Campos” in the piece “Time Takes The Time Time Takes” co-produced by Mercat De Les Flors in Barcelona as well as “Set Of Sets” to be premiered in Mercat De Las Flors in April 2018. Roser also created “Menar” a street duet with Joan Aatalà premiered in Fira Tàrrega 2016 and on tour for the summer of 2017. in parallel, and out of curiosity, Roser is also developing her own artistic work with two solos “Simun” and “Tecnologias Del Yo”. Which
performed in various festivals and venues across Europe. Roser has been in dialogue with Tom since 2017, both on the creation of the Duet ‘After The Rain’ and development of a mutual dance practice.

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